27th- 30th September 2021, Online (CEST)


Sponsor Program



Nanotemper Booth 

Nanotemper Live Events

Nanotemper Session 1: Demonstration of the new Prometheus PANTA combining protein stability determination and DLS to measure particle size in solution

Monday (09/27) from 13:00 to 13:30 CEST

Nanotemper Session 1


Nanotemper Session 2:  Demonstration of the new Monolith related to affinity measurement

Tuesday (09/28) from 13:30 to 13:50 CEST 

Nanotemper Session 2


Nanotemper Poster Presentation and live Q&A: Pierre Soule / Cyril Castel: "Quickly screen for optimal expression level and thermal Stability for your hardest membrane proteins". 

Tuesday (09/28) from 16:20 to 18:30 CEST   /  Passcode will be provided by email.

Nanotemper Session 2

Zoom Meeting ID: 838 6664 6910


Interview with Isabelle Mus-Veteau on the contribution of thermophoresis in the measurement of affinity in non-purified conditions

Wednesday (09/29) from 12:45 to 13:00 CEST



Visit the Nanotemper Virtual Booth - open all day during the conference. 2 vouchers worth 400 Euro for consumables to win.





Fidabio Live Events

Check out Fidabio's e-activities during the symposium to learn how FIDA assesses complex interactions, stoichiometry, aggregation, and size by measuring the diffusion of the binding partners into a capillary.


Fidabio Session 1: A remote demonstration of the new tool, the PDB Correlator, that predict the hydrodynamic radius (Rh) of a protein based on structural data (AlphaFold, PDB Files)

Tuesday (09/28) from 16:30 to 17:00 CEST

 Fidabio Session 1


Fidabio Session 2: A video of CSO Henrik Jensen explaining FIDA technology.

Fidabio Session 2



Visit the Fidabio Virtual Booth - open every day from 12:00 to 13:30 CEST to learn more about our technology or simply say hello.

Application notes on membrane proteins, exosomes, liposomes, and the PDB correlator.





Dynamic Biosensors Events


Biosensors Session 1: heliX® presentation for interaction & conformation analysis

Monday, September 27 from 15:35 to 15:50 CEST 

 Bionsensor Session 1

Zoom Meeting ID: 826 2998 0059 


Biosensors Session 2:  A prerecorded video demonstration with an interaction for basic binding kinetics with the heliX® instrument and a Q&A

Tuesday, September 28 from 12:50 to 13:50 CEST

Biosensors Session 2


Biosensors Session 3: A short overview of our Y-structure DNA for targeted protein degradation like PROTAC, for competition assays and FRET experiments

Wednesday, September 29 from 12:10 to 13:10 CEST

Biosensors Session 3


Biosensors Poster Presentation: Join the Flash Poster Session 3 and learn more about dynamicBIOSENSORS’ switchSENSE® technology and the new Y-structure DNA.

Thursday, September 30 from 13:10 to 15:50 CEST / Passcode will be provided by email.

Poster Session 3 

 Zoom Meeting ID: 864 1831 4161



Visit the Dynamic Biosensors Virtual Booth - open during lunch and coffee breaks at the conference. 


Interested in learning more about the heliX® instrument?

Let Biosensors know during all the event by registering on their webpage for a demonstration.  



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